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Metronome IM "cook" book room | Support and Dev talk about the Metronome XMPP server.

Latest stable version build is: 4.0.3

For more information you can visit:

Room logs can be found here:

* Links *
- Building & Installation:
- Documentation:
- Issues Tracker:

[16:54:26] <chema> It do not work... Need your help
[16:58:31] <massimiliano> chema: what doesn't work? You're using yunohost, right?
[16:59:29] <chema> Yeap.... Any idea... I have the domain registered in noip... Not declared in yunohost....
[16:59:47] <chema> I can give you everything to see where the problem os
[16:59:58] <massimiliano> I have noip too
[17:00:41] <massimiliano> Do you have a static ip? Or does it change?
[17:00:55] <chema> Change
[17:01:50] <chema> For hairpin I have dnsmasq tikcle to prevent that problem
[17:04:56] <massimiliano> don't you have noip-duc or ddclient?
[17:05:29] <massimiliano> that is what you need to send new ip to noip each time your ip changes
[17:08:51] <massimiliano>
[17:10:00] <massimiliano> chema‎, does it work if you change your ip manually in noip dashboard?
[17:10:37] <chema> i have the virtual machine inside a windows computer with de noipduc client install.. should i install it in the yunohost ¿?
[17:11:29] <massimiliano> that ip adress is the same as the host
[17:12:04] <massimiliano> you need to make sure the vbox is axxessible from uotside too
[17:12:30] <chema> no... the windows.. have an internal and de vbox is is accesible from outside
[17:12:37] <massimiliano> *accessible form outside
[17:13:06] <massimiliano> oh
[17:13:27] <massimiliano> then yunohost works
[17:13:47] <massimiliano> maybe you forgot to open xmpp ports
[17:13:52] <massimiliano> 5222
[17:14:45] <chema> yunohost firewall list
- 22
- 25
- 53
- 80
- 443
- 587
- 993
- 3478
- 5222
- 5269
- 5349
- 5353
- 9777

[17:15:15] <massimiliano> 5222 and 5269 are needed for metronome
[17:15:46] <massimiliano> do you have the portforwarding in your modem or router setted too?
[17:17:40] <chema> 5220 5292 TCP 5220 5292 ppp0.1
5220 5292 UDP 5220 5292 ppp0.1
[17:17:51] <chema> redirected in the router
[17:18:48] <massimiliano> can you share your /etc/metronome/metronome.cfg.lua?
[17:18:52] <chema> i'm not too smart... but not too stupid... i do belive...
[17:18:55] <massimiliano> remove sensitive parts
[17:19:12] <chema> i have nothing to hide... let me paste all the file
[17:20:54] <massimiliano> i had to remove some files that made conflicts in /etc/metronome/conf.d/
[17:20:59] <massimiliano> in my setup
[17:21:24] <chema> -- ** Metronome's config file example **
-- The format is exactly equal to Prosody's:
-- Lists are written { "like", "this", "one" }
-- Lists can also be of { 1, 2, 3 } numbers, etc.
-- Either commas, or semi-colons; may be used as seperators.
-- A table is a list of values, except each value has a name. An
-- example would be:
-- ssl = { key = "keyfile.key", certificate = "certificate.cert" }
-- Tip: You can check that the syntax of this file is correct when you have finished
-- by running: luac -p metronome.cfg.lua
-- If there are any errors, it will let you know what and where they are, otherwise it
-- will keep quiet.

-- Global settings go in this section

-- This is the list of modules Metronome will load on startup.
-- It looks for mod_modulename.lua in the plugins folder, so make sure that exists too.

modules_enabled = {
-- Generally required
"roster"; -- Allow users to have a roster. Recommended.
"saslauth"; -- Authentication for clients. Recommended if you want to log in.
"tls"; -- Add support for secure TLS on c2s/s2s connections
"disco"; -- Service discovery

-- Not essential, but recommended
"private"; -- Private XML storage (for room bookmarks, etc.)
"vcard"; -- Allow users to set vCards
"pep"; -- Allows setting of mood, tune, etc.
"posix"; -- POSIX functionality, sends server to background, enables syslog, etc.
"bidi"; -- Enables Bidirectional Server-to-Server Streams.

-- Nice to have
"version"; -- Replies to server version requests
"uptime"; -- Report how long server has been running
"time"; -- Let others know the time here on this server
"ping"; -- Replies to XMPP pings with pongs
"register"; -- Allow users to register on this server using a client and change passwords
"stream_management"; -- Allows clients and servers to use Stream Management
"stanza_optimizations"; -- Allows clients to use Client State Indication and SIFT
"message_carbons"; -- Allows clients to enable carbon copies of messages
"mam"; -- Enable server-side message archives using Message Archive Management
"push"; -- Enable Push Notifications via PubSub using XEP-0357
"lastactivity"; -- Enables clients to know the last presence status of an user
"adhoc_cm"; -- Allow to set client certificates to login through SASL External via adhoc
"admin_adhoc"; -- administration adhoc commands
"bookmarks"; -- XEP-0048 Bookmarks synchronization between PEP and Private Storage
"sec_labels"; -- Allows to use a simplified version XEP-0258 Security Labels and related ACDFs.
"privacy"; -- Add privacy lists and simple blocking command support

-- Other specific functionality
--"admin_telnet"; -- administration console, telnet to port 5582
--"admin_web"; -- administration web interface
"bosh"; -- Enable support for BOSH clients, aka "XMPP over Bidirectional Streams over Synchronous HTTP"
--"compression"; -- Allow clients to enable Stream Compression
--"spim_block"; -- Require authorization via OOB form for messages from non-contacts and block unsollicited messages
--"gate_guard"; -- Enable config-based blacklisting and hit-based auto-banning features
--"incidents_handling"; -- Enable Incidents Handling support (can be administered via adhoc commands)
--"server_presence"; -- Enables Server Buddies extension support
--"service_directory"; -- Enables Service Directories extension support
--"public_service"; -- Enables Server vCard support for public services in directories and advertises in features
--"register_api"; -- Provides secure API for both Out-Of-Band and In-Band registration for E-Mail verification
"websocket"; -- Enable support for WebSocket clients, aka "XMPP over WebSockets"

-- Server PID
pidfile = "/var/run/metronome/"

-- HTTP server
http_ports = { 5290 }
http_interfaces = { "", "::1" }

--https_ports = { 5291 }
--https_interfaces = { "", "::1" }

-- Enable IPv6
use_ipv6 = true

-- Discovery items
disco_items = {
{ "" },
{ "" },
{ "" },
{ "" }

-- BOSH configuration (mod_bosh)
consider_bosh_secure = true
cross_domain_bosh = true

-- WebSocket configuration (mod_websocket)
consider_websocket_secure = true
cross_domain_websocket = true

-- Disable account creation by default, for security
allow_registration = false

-- Use LDAP storage backend for all stores
storage = "ldap"

-- Logging configuration
log = {
info = "/var/log/metronome/metronome.log"; -- Change 'info' to 'debug' for verbose logging
error = "/var/log/metronome/metronome.err";
-- "*syslog"; -- Uncomment this for logging to syslog
-- "*console"; -- Log to the console, useful for debugging with daemonize=false

------ Components ------
-- You can specify components to add hosts that provide special services,
-- like multi-user conferences, and transports.

---Set up a local BOSH service
Component "localhost" "http"
modules_enabled = { "bosh" }

---Set up a MUC (multi-user chat) room server
Component "" "muc"
name = " Chatrooms"

modules_enabled = {

muc_event_rate = 0.5
muc_burst_factor = 10

---Set up a PubSub server
Component "" "pubsub"
name = " Publish/Subscribe"

unrestricted_node_creation = true -- Anyone can create a PubSub node (from any server)

---Set up a HTTP Upload service
Component "" "http_upload"
name = " Sharing Service"

http_file_size_limit = 6*1024*1024
http_file_quota = 60*1024*1024

---Set up a VJUD service
Component "" "vjud"
ud_disco_name = " User Directory"

----------- Virtual hosts -----------
-- You need to add a VirtualHost entry for each domain you wish Metronome to serve.
-- Settings under each VirtualHost entry apply *only* to that host.

Include "conf.d/*.cfg.lua"

[17:21:36] <chema> here you are... EVERYTHING...
[17:21:46] <chema> DIAGNOSTIC DOCTOR
[17:23:40] <massimiliano> do
mv /etc/metronome/conf.d/ /etc/metronome/conf.d/
mv /etc/metronome/conf.d/ /etc/metronome/conf.d/
[17:23:58] <chema> root@miradordemontepinar:~# yunohost domain list
[17:24:15] <chema> i do not double the domains... to prevent colisions
[17:24:37] <massimiliano> chema‎, oh
[17:24:43] <massimiliano> my fault
[17:25:17] <chema> not your fault, just a slip...
[17:25:21] <massimiliano> chema‎, i see you have
---Set up a VJUD service
Component "" "vjud"
ud_disco_name = " User Directory"

[17:25:40] <chema> tell me o mightty massimiliano... what i should do
[17:26:25] <chema> yes... i have the vjud service active...
[17:26:37] <massimiliano> ok
[17:26:39] <chema> should I comment thouse lines with --
[17:26:42] <massimiliano> that is ok too
[17:28:15] <chema> ok... then should or shouldn't i coment the vjud
[17:28:32] <massimiliano> should
[17:28:44] <chema> at once
[17:28:45] <massimiliano> you need to add this domain in your yunohost
[17:29:08] <massimiliano> i mean don't touch your vjud
[17:29:54] <chema> with ssl encription and all thouse things?
[17:30:11] <massimiliano> chema‎, i have it with ssl
[17:30:26] <chema> massimiliano i can give the administration privileges if you want to ...
[17:40:25] <chema> if i do that... metronome falls down...
[17:40:47] <chema> and tell me this
[17:41:07] <chema> Jun 08 18:35:24 certmanager error SSL/TLS: Failed to load '/etc/metronome/certs/localhost.key': Check that the path is correct, and the file exists. (for 😉
Jun 08 18:35:24 certmanager error SSL/TLS: Failed to load '/etc/metronome/certs/localhost.key': Previous error (see logs), or other system error. (for
[17:41:26] <massimiliano> i am working on your config
[17:41:32] <massimiliano> can we pm?
[17:41:46] <chema>
[17:43:04] <chema> welll
[17:43:20] <massimiliano> you're not responding me
[17:43:24] <massimiliano> in pm
[17:47:21] <massimiliano> chema‎, are you there?
[17:48:31] <chema> i found no mensage
[17:55:40] <chema> massimiliano ping
[17:55:57] <massimiliano> Pong
[18:43:51] <chema> ping
[18:44:49] <chema> @version
[18:44:49] <Echo1> chema: is running Metronome version 3.11.8 on Linux
[20:52:25] <chema> marada... tell me... are you here..
[20:52:27] <chema> i beg
[20:52:39] <chema> Maranda i do beg